Congradulations to FF/EMT Elliot Paisner
Please join Company 49 in congratulating our newest turned-over firefighter Elliot Paisner. Elliot recently completed Firefighter I and the firefighter turnover process. Congratulations Elliot!
Please join Company 49 in congratulating our newest turned-over firefighter Elliot Paisner. Elliot recently completed Firefighter I and the firefighter turnover process. Congratulations Elliot!
We are pleased to announce the EMT turnover of Jen Corbett. Joining the squad already having EMT, Jen had gotten turned over quickly and has already run almost 100 calls
On Saturday June 18, 2022, Thanks to Lorraine and Michael Cardamone and Irene Wagner for arranging and making breakfast for the duty crew and others.
In the early morning hours of March 23, 2022 Ambulance 849C picked up a Laurel Citizen in labor and transported her to Holy Cross Hospital. The baby was ready to
Happy Easter and Passover from the Laurel Volunteer Rescue Squad crews today. Suppression crew conducted rope system training this afternoon.
Another beautiful day this past Saturday for Co. 49 and Co. 10 to do some Tower training.
his past weekend, we hosted a Rescue Task Force course training that included stop the bleed, mass casualty triage, and simulations for our members as well as other Maryland providers.
to Mission BBQ for their continued support of our organization! The check presented for one thousand and eleven dollars will be put to good use buying tools and equipment to help better serve the community.
Two of the Laurel Volunteer Rescue Squad’s members were honored to receive two prestigious awards this year. Lieutenant Rajah Rose received the Francis W. Xander Firefighter of the Year Award and Captain Scott Globerman received the George Linnel EMS Excellence Award. Laurel TV’s Skyler Sales covered the story.