Funeral Arrangements for Finley G. doCarmo
Below are the details for Finely doCarmo’s funeral. All that knew Finley are welcome to the service as well as a funeral procession to follow. The details for the funeral
Below are the details for Finely doCarmo’s funeral. All that knew Finley are welcome to the service as well as a funeral procession to follow. The details for the funeral
National Night Out 2021 with the Laurel community.
Join the Company in congratulating Kayla Kea for being named Member of the Quarter for Q2 2021.
The team helps move the fireworks barges onto the lake and then moves the barges to the center of the lake.
Great weather for this year’s Independence Day Parade, crews from Co. 49 and Co.10 pictured.
On this Memorial Day, LVRS wishes to honor all those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Rescue Engine and Ambulance 849 attending the Faith AME community day.
LVRS would like to thank all the members who came out to participate in this years open house. This annual event recruitment event gives the public the chance to come and interact with us.
Water rescue personnel helped out with the Patuxent River Clean Up this morning, thank you to everyone from the community that came out to help!