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Auto Fire on the Parkway

At 2337 on 15 February 2018, E849 was alerted as the southbound engine for the auto fire on the B-W Parkway.

Communications started E849 southbound and E835 northbound with the first reported location being at the B-W Parkway and MD Rt. 193 (Greenbelt Road).

After receiving several more calls and locations for this auto fire, With E849 and E835 having each passed Greenbelt Road on their respective running routes on the Parkway and found nothing, E835 reported that they had found nothing at the reported location.

Chiefs 849 and 849A were further down the Parkway than E849 and found an SUV well-off in the northbound side of the Parkway, one-half mile south of I-95/I-495. E849 arrived on scene with tires popping and metal melting in globs from the SUV five, stretched a line and knocked the fire.